Thursday, June 6, 2024

Touchdown Camp Year 20th - SCUBA

This is another exciting year for the kids, as this is the 20th year that Touchdown camp has had. We always wondered where we would get our funding, and we are just astounded that at the last minute, things would start happening and we would always have camp for the kids. God really works in mysterious ways. 

This year we are lacking in supplies for the camp so we hope that there would be provision for this year camp... cross our fingers!

Don't you just love the theme for this year? Diving into friendship with God is amazing! We raised about $4,000 and we hope to raise another $6,000 + so that there would be ample for everyone. Join us and volunteer or give the gift of love to make all things possible. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Another Sheep Graduated!

Great news!
Jocelyn Pantoja will graduate this May 2024 from Golden Gate University Law School and upon graduation begin studying for the bar exam. Project Lost Sheep has awarded her a scholarship during her senior year at San Jose State University. Please see below Jocelyn’s appreciation.

"Project Lost Sheep has provided me with financial support and many prayers to achieve my undergraduate degree. Project Lost Sheep also has kept me in their prayers as I embarked on a new journey entering Law school. I know I have an extended family praying, and cheering me on as I finish my law school journey. 
Thank you Project Lost Sheep!"

Jocelyn Pantoja

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Touchdown Camp 2023

Here is the introduction of the Touchdown Camp 2023! Join us!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Touchdown Camp 2023

We are so fortunate to have camp again this year 2023. Thank you Heavenly Father! This year someone donated for food and supplies for Touchdown Camp for kids. YAY! And we need a little more help in funding for T-Shirts and theme material to get us going. Camp this year is in Monday, July 24 to Friday 28th and the following Sunday. So let us do this 3 weeks before camp takes place.

Thank you for your kind generosity. God Bless you!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Touchdown Camp August 2022

It is an exciting time of the year as we embarked with the Touchdown camp of 2022 at Verbo, Redwood City, CA. This camp is so well organized and I love how the team leaders in orange T-Shirts are taking care of the kids in a smaller scale giving the attention they need.

Thank you everyone for making this a possibility, may it be funding, or in service, or volunteering, you guys ROCK! This year the theme is based on the Monument Valley in Utah, camping in the red caves!

I was recently there for a road trip and it just blows your mind that such massive, huge mountains can be created to such perfect beauty even in years of erosion. God's creation is indeed abundant and amazing! 

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Touchdown Camp Coming Up

 Hello Everyone,

August Touchdown Camp is 2022 is coming up!

Join us and get involvein Touchdown Camp in Redwood City, CA. this summer. Making a better world for our children and our future. You can donate any amount as we need $15,000 to sustain the camp and kids. That includes food, backpacks and supplies.

Also you can volunteer your expertise through teaching kids, organise games or food.

Please email Patty Cardona to resgister at   |    Or call: (650) 771-4943

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

From the President, Patty Cardona

Hello Everyone,
Blessings to all of you. We enjoyed this morning with the visit of Sue (far right, end) to Verbo and give to Monserrat Munoz (second girl to the left), the check of $1000 for her college.The Munoz family is so grateful with Lost sheep ministry. And they know this is a provision from our God who always provided for their needs.

Later we call some of the young girls to be witness and share the happiness of Monserrat and they be motivated to continue study as the example of Monserrat.

Thank you all! We are grateful for the provisions!


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Touchdown Camp in Tracy 2021

Isn't it wonderful that camp has expand to Tracy?
That was recent in August 2nd to 6th 2021. Nothing is impossible indeed with Jesus! 
I love the way each camp has a theme for camp. For Tracy's it is God's Wonder Lab. 

Thank you everyone for making this possible for the kids. Setting up camp is a lot of work, funding and volunteers and with Jesus spirit that touch our hearts, anything is indeed possible! YES!